How Do I Create Family and Student Custom Fields?

Learn about creating Custom Fields for families and students, and how these fields can be used in the Office Portal, Customer Portal, and in Email Blasts.

What are Family/Student Custom Fields?

Custom Fields are fields you create in the account templates to store custom values. While custom fields can also be created for Classes and Staff members, this document will focus on Family and Student custom fields only, as they are a bit more flexible in how they can be used by the system.

Once a custom field has been created, it will appear on the "Custom Fields" tab for all families or students in your account.



How do I create a Family Custom Field?

  2. Expand the "Family Custom Fields" area.
  4. This will launch the "Create Custom Field" window.
  5. Fill in the following details:
    • Name - the name that will be displayed wherever the Custom Field is displayed.
    • Field Type - designates the type of text field used to store the entered values.
      • Text - a single line text field (limited to 255 characters).
      • TextArea - a multi-line text box (limited to 255 characters).
    • Show on Portal - designates whether the Custom Field will be displayed to visitors in the Customer Portal, allowing them to enter/edit the stored data.
      • Required on Portal - designates whether visitors will be required to enter values into the Custom Field to proceed with Customer Portal navigation.
  6. Click CREATE to save the new Custom Field.

How do I create a Student Custom Field?

  2. Expand the "Student Custom Fields" area.
  4. This will launch the "Create Custom Field" window.
  5. Fill in the following details:
    • Name - the name that will displayed be wherever the Custom Field is displayed.
    • Field Type - designates the type of text field used to store the entered values.
      • Text - a single line text field (limited to 255 characters).
      • TextArea - a multi-line text box (limited to 255 characters)
    • Show on Portal - designates whether the Custom Field will be displayed to visitors in the Customer Portal, allowing them to enter/edit the stored data.
      • Required on Portal - designates whether visitors will be required to enter values into the Custom Field to proceed with Customer Portal navigation.
  6. Click CREATE to save the new Custom Field.

If you wish to protect a Custom Field (so it cannot be deleted by Staff), this can only be done by iClassPro database technicians. Please have your Business Owner send an email to with your account name and the name of the Custom Field to be protected.

Once we have updated this setting in the database, you will need to disable the "Show on Portal" option for the Custom Field if you do not want families to be able to edit the data in these fields.

How do I reorder Custom Fields?

You can determine the order Custom Fields are displayed by using the up/down arrows in the "Actions" column of the Custom Field list to move them as desired:


How are Custom Fields displayed on the Customer Portal?

Family Custom Fields are shown under the Family details in the "My Account" area under the "Account Information" section. There is a shortcut to this section in the navigation bar at the top of the screen (as shown below):


Student Custom Fields are shown under the Student details in the "My Account" area under the "Student Medical Information" section:


Family and student custom fields are only supported in version 1.26.0+ of the iClassPro Mobile App.

How do I reference Custom Fields in Email Blasts?

Using the “Variables” menu option in the Email Blast composition window will allow you to insert data from Family or Student Custom Fields as email variables.

These can be selected from the “[Page] Custom Fields” submenu of the "Variables" menu.


For more information about sending Email Blasts in iClassPro, see our "Email Blasts" document.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).