How Do I View Chargeback Details? (Merchant Portal)

Learn how to view Chargeback details in the Merchant Portal, and how to use that information to locate the specific transaction in iClassPro.

NOTE: This document only applies to customers in the United States who are using iClassPro Payment Services.

Accessing chargeback details

To view chargeback details, click “Chargebacks” on the left-hand side of the screen after logging into the Merchant Portal and/or selecting an account.

Choosing Display Options

The "Display Options" allow you to choose specific data to be included in your results.  Those shown with a blue selection box below are shown by default:

  • Case Id – the Chargeback Case ID.
  • Status – Status of the Chargeback Case
  • Settlement Date – The settlement date of the original transaction. This the date the transaction settles in the Merchant Portal and the funds are approved to be transferred to your bank account.
  • Date Issued – the date the Chargeback was initiated by the card issuer.
  • Transaction Date – The Activity Date of the Transaction. This is usually the date the transaction settles in the payment gateway, taking into account the settlement schedule and any bank holidays/weekends.
  • Merchant Name - The Merchant associated with the transfer.
  • Type – Original Transaction Type.
  • Payment Type – Card issuer (American Express/VISA/MasterCard/Discover) or bank
  • Last Four – The last four digits of the card/bank account used in the original transaction.
  • Chargeback Amount – The amount being disputed in the Chargeback.
  • Reply By Date – The cut-off date for you to respond to the Chargeback before it is auto-accepted on your behalf.

(For more information about Chargebacks, see our “Understanding Chargebacks” document:

Viewing Chargeback details

To view details of a particular chargeback, click on the chargeback in the results list.  This will bring up a summary screen showing all of the chargeback details, included a summary showing the same details as the “Chargebacks” screen, the transaction ID and chargeback reason, and any notes.  This is also where you can respond to any chargeback and/or upload supporting documents for your represent case.

Downloading the chargeback list

If needed, the list of chargebacks can be downloaded in CSV format for external reporting purposes.  Just click the “Download” icon at the bottom of the results.

Locating chargeback transactions in iClassPro

Note that the Transaction ID field in the Summary field actually contains TWO transaction IDs, separated by a comma:

[Merchant Portal Transaction ID ] , [Payment Gateway Transaction ID]

You can use the Payment Gateway Transaction ID in conjunction with the Transaction Date to help locate the original transaction in iClassPro.

To do this, run a Bank Deposit Report (FIN-2) for the original transaction date.  Once you open the report, you can search for the Payment Gateway Transaction ID to locate which family made the payment that matches that ID. (Note that you may need to expand the date range if the original transaction date falls on a weekend or holiday.)

Pro Tip!
To search for specific data in the report, press CTRL+F (on Windows) or COMMAND+F (on Mac) to bring up the "Find" box.  Enter the Payment Gateway Transaction ID in the search field, then press ENTER to search for the ID.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).