Learn about Promotion (Promo) Codes, how to create and assign them to specific Programs/Classes/Camps, and how they are used to issue discounts.
- What are Promotion (Promo) Codes?
- Setting Up Promo Codes
- Using Promo Codes in the Customer Portal
- Using Promo Codes in the Office Portal
- Tracking Promo Codes
What are Promotion (Promo) Codes?
Promotion (Promo) Codes are used to redeem and track promotional offers issued to customers, such as special pricing via discounts or Billing Schedules and free trials. Promo Codes that offer percentage or flat dollar discounts work in addition to multi-class or multi-student discounts already in place on your account and are also not affected by the "Allow Discounts" setting on classes.
Promo Code Types
There are four Promo Code types:
- Amount - gives a full dollar discount off of the tuition charge at the time of enrollment (i.e., the discount is only given once, on the initial tuition charge).
- Percentage - gives a percentage discount off of the tuition charge at the time of enrollment (i.e., the discount is only given once, on the initial tuition charge).
- Billing Schedule - automatically assigns a specific Billing Schedule override at the time of enrollment. (i.e., the pricing is ongoing as long as the student's enrollment remains attached to that particular Billing Schedule and the tuition rate attached to it does not change).
"Billing Schedule" promo codes only affect class enrollments, and ONLY if the selected Billing Schedule is attached to the selected class(s). If a visitor enters the Promo Code and only camp and/or appointment bookings are in the cart, it will have no effect.
When the "Billing Schedule" promo code is attached to a Program, the system will act as follows:
If the Program is attached to a camp or appointment, the Promo Code will not have any affect.
If the selected Billing Schedule is not attached to a class to which the linked Program is associated, the Promo Code will not have any affect.
If the selected Billing Schedule is attached to a class to which the linked Program is associated, using the Promo Code will associate the class enrollment with the selected Billing Schedule instead of the default.
- Trial Tracking - automatically assigns the TRIAL enrollment type at the time of enrollment. Since iClassPro does not charge for Trial enrollments, this Promo Code Type is used only for tracking purposes.
- NOTE: the use of a "Trial Tracking" type Promo Code overrides the "Allow Visitors to Request a Trial Enrollment" setting under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CLASS REGISTRATION, and will submit a TRIAL-type enrollment regardless of whether that setting is enabled or disabled.
Setting Up Promo Codes
Creating a New Promo Code
- Enter a NAME for the Promo Code.
- Enter the CODE that the customer will need to enter online to redeem the Promo Code.
- NOTE: The system will prevent staff members from saving a Promo Code if they attempt to enter a code that is already associated with another Promo Code (even deleted Promo Codes).
(optional) Choose whether or not the Promo Code "Can Be Combined With Other Promo Codes."
- If left disabled, the Promo Code cannot be used if other Promo Codes are entered in the Customer Portal/Mobile App checkout screen.
- If enabled, the Promo Code can be used in addition to other Promo Codes that are entered in the Customer Portal/Mobile App checkout screen.
(optional) Enter an EXPIRATION DATE for the Promo Code.
- If a date is entered, the Promo Codes cannot be used after 11:59 pm on the specified date.
- Enter the Promo Code TYPE to be associated with the new Code.
- See "Promo Code Types" above for an explanation of the four Promo Code types.
- Depending on the selected TYPE, enter the Amount, Percentage, or select the Billing Schedule to be associated with the Promo Code. *
- NOTE: If the "Trial Tracking" TYPE is selected, you will not need to enter any additional information.
- Click Save. **
*The Billing Schedule Promo Code will only have the desired effect if the billing schedule and tuition pair exists on the class it is applied to.
** At the time a Promo Code is created, it will apply to all Classes, Camps and Point of Sale items (including Punch Passes) until it is attached to a specific class, camp, or Program.
Beyond assigning an expiration date and limiting Promo Codes to specific Programs or events (classes/camps/appointments) as outlined below, there is no limit on how many times a specific Promo Code can be used. It will be applied to any applicable enrollments/purchases any time it is used, including multiple uses for enrollments by the same student.
Editing an existing Promo Code
Existing promo codes can be edited to change the amount/percentage or to associate it with a different Billing Schedule (depending on the selected Promo Code type). However, once a Promo Code has been associated with a particular Promo Code type, the original type of code that was selected will determine whether that type can later be changed. For example:
- AMOUNT Type Promo Codes can be changed to a PERCENTAGE type.
- PERCENTAGE Type Promo Codes can be changed to an AMOUNT type.
- BILLING SCHEDULE Promo Codes cannot be changed to any other type.
- TRIAL TRACKING Promo Codes cannot be changed to any other type.
Assigning Promo Codes to Classes and Camps
- Go to the Classes or Camps Page.
- Find the Class or Camp you wish to apply the Promo Code to.
- Click the Edit Icon to pull up the details for the class or camp.
- Click on the Promo Codes tab.
- Check the box next to the Promo Codes that apply to the class or camp.
- Save the changes.
NOTE: Once the Promo Code has been applied to a specific class or camp, it is no longer applied elsewhere (except in cases where it has been manually applied this way).
Assigning Promo Codes to Programs
- Go to Settings > Setup > General Settings > Programs
- Double Click the program you wish to add the Promo Code to.
- At the bottom of the window, check the Promo Code you wish to apply.
- Click Save.
NOTE: All Classes, Camps, and Point of Sale items under this Program will be eligible for this promotion (including Punch Passes).
Viewing Promo Code Associations
- Go to Settings > Setup > General Settings > Promotion Codes
- Double click the Promo Code you wish to view.
- Click View Associations
Using Promo Codes in the Customer Portal
NOTE: In order for customers to redeem Promo Codes via the Customer Portal/Mobile App, the "Allow Promo Codes" option must be enabled under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>FINANCIAL.
Promotion (Promo) Codes can be used via the Customer Portal to give a percentage or flat dollar discount off the full tuition price, to specify a different billing schedule and tuition pair for an enrollment, or to force a TRIAL-type class enrollment. There is not a way to associate a Promo Code with parties or anniversary fees at this time.
Similar to what you would find on the average retail site, the Promo Codes field is a text field in the Customer Portal displayed on the shopping cart checkout page. Only one Promo Code can be entered at a time; however, multiple Promo Codes can be used (unless restricted through the Promo Code settings).
Used Promo Codes are also saved with the student's enrollment information.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To be sure Promo Codes are only applied to specific enrollments, they are applied to every enrollment that qualifies and are not taken off the cart total. Therefore, if a student uses a $10 Promo Code that is attached to two classes, they will receive $10 off of their tuition for each class.
Using Promo Codes to link to specific classes or camps
You can link to a pre-filtered list showing only classes or camps associated with a specific Promo Code by adding a ?promo=[PROMOCODE] query string to your Customer Portal URL. This will work for all Promo Code types.
Any enrollments created by accessing this link will automatically have the Promo Code assigned in the shopping cart to any applicable enrollments.
Examples:[account_name]/booking?promo=[PROMOCODE]: will take the user to the "Bookings" page and will automatically limit results only to classes or camps with the Promo Code applied once a selection is made.[account_name]/classes?promo=[PROMOCODE]: will limit results only to classes with the Promo Code applied.[account_name]/camps/[CAMP TYPE ID]?promo=[PROMOCODE]: will limit results only to camps of a specific camp type with the Promo Code applied.
- The encoded Customer Portal Promo Link can be viewed in the Promo Code edit window after the Promo Code has been saved.
- If the ?promo=[PROMOCODE] query string is used, the Classes Page on the Customer Portal will display a read-only promo code filter that can only be viewed or removed. This filter cannot be used to select other Promo Codes.
Order of calculations from the Customer Portal
Promo codes will follow all restrictions placed on them (for usability) in the settings when applied in the checkout during the Customer Portal registration process.
- Full first Tuition price (either flat rate or hourly- depending on your settings)*
- Proration for Missed Days
- Discount Schedule is Applied (multi-discounts & Special Discounts)
- Promotional Codes are Deducted**
- If it is a camp enrollment, user defined fees are added on to the camp price and can be affected by promotion codes.***
*If a billing schedule Promo Code has been used, it will be applied here, to calculate the tuition price.
** The amount applied for percentage Promo Codes is always based on the full tuition price. When combined with other promotional codes, the cumulative percent of discounts will be applied, then any Promo Codes for a flat dollar amount will be taken off next.
*** Percentage (%) Promo codes will always count toward the charges associated with camp user defined questions. Dollar discounts will only discount user defined question amounts if the full camp price has already been discounted to 0 and there is still a portion of the Promo Code value to be applied.
Invalid Promo Codes
If a parent attempts to use an invalid promotion code, they will receive a message that the Promo Code was unable to be attached.
If the enrollment is set up as a request, the promotional codes will be recorded and included as part of the request sent to the online activity in iClassPro.
Promo Codes and Camp Enrollment Modifications
The behavior of how Promo Codes/Special Discounts are applied towards camp enrollment modifications depends on how the "When Charging for Modifying Camp Enrollment Schedules" setting is configured under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CAMP REGISTRATION:
- "Charge the Difference" - Apply discount to modifications only (regardless of whether it was applied to the original charge or not.)
- "Charge the Remainder Owed" - Apply discount to complete charge (regardless of whether it was applied to the original charge or not)
If applying the discount would result in a negative value, the system will cap the total cost for the modification at $0.00.
Using Promo Codes in the Office Portal
Within the Office Portal, Promo Codes can be applied to any ledger charge by adding a “Promo Code” Line Item to the charge. They can also be used with Point of Sale purchases if a Promo Code is assigned to the Program connected with the specific product.
Processing Enrollment Requests
Any enrollment requests where a parent has entered a Promo Code will list the requested Promo Codes under the Enrollment Details. Promo codes listed here will always be valid for the requested enrollment.
However, the Promo Codes will not be automatically applied when you bill for the requested enrollment.
They will need to be added to a manual charge created on the ledger. Make a note of the Promo Code and click Approve and Charge to complete the process of enrolling and charging the student. Use the Promo Code line item type when entering the charge to apply the Promo Code that was requested. (More details below.)
Using Promo Codes on the Ledger or Miscellaneous/Group Charge screen
To apply Promo codes from the Ledger or Miscellaneous/Group Charge screen in iClassPro, you must add a line item for the Promo Code.
- Choose Class Tuition (or Camp Tuition, depending on which type of enrollment you are creating the charge for).
- Select the student's name/enrollment from the Class Enrollment menu.
- Select the appropriate Charge Category.
- Click Add Line Item to create the tuition charge.
- (Optional) Repeat for other tuition charges.
- Once you have entered all tuition charges that should receive the Promo Code, select "Promo Code" under the Line Item Type menu.
- Choose the correct Promo Code for the enrollment.
- Click Add Line Item.
- Save the charge to apply the dollar or percentage promotion.
- If multiple line items exist, you will be given the option to select how you wish to apply the Promo Code.
- Please see our "How Do I Customize Which Payment Methods My Staff Can Accept?" document for information about Promo Code Application Behavior and how to select the default method you wish to use.
- If multiple line items exist, you will be given the option to select how you wish to apply the Promo Code.
- Camp tuition amounts will automatically include the price of any user-defined question purchases. If you do not wish to discount this portion of the tuition, please manually add a discount to the tuition charge instead of using a Promo Code.
- When manually added to a charge as a line item, Promo Codes will apply to ALL line items associated with the charge. If a particular line item SHOULD NOT be discounted (such as an Anniversary charge), it should be created as a separate charge instead of a line item.
Using Promo Codes from the Point of Sale Window
At this time, Promo Codes are inherited from the Program assigned to the product and apply to all products using that Program, including Punch Passes. There is not currently a way to assign a promo code to only selected products.
Promo Codes are entered in the Shopping Cart screen prior to completing checkout.
Order of calculations from the Office Portal
From the staff side of iClassPro, Promo Codes are used as a separate line item when creating a charge on the family's ledger and restrictions placed on which enrollments the Promo Codes can be used for are not automatically applied.
- These values are calculated and added as the Tuition Line Item:
- Full first Tuition price (either flat rate or hourly- depending on your settings)*
- Proration for Missed Days
- Discount Schedule is Applied (multi-discounts & Special Discounts)
- Promo Codes are entered as separate line item **
- Charge is saved.
*The line items for enrollments will include any multi discounts from the discount schedule in the price.
** Keep in mind that because the Promo Code line item is being manually added by staff, restrictions will not apply and the Promo Code will attach to all line items on the charge.
Tracking Promo Codes
To track Promo Codes used on charges in your business, you can use the Promo Codes Report (REPORTS>MARKETING>PROMO CODE REPORT (MAR-2)).
The Promo Code Report is a list showing specific charges created using a promo code during a specific date range. The report includes the charge date, description, program, charge category, family name, the promo code used, and the discount amount (based on the promo code used).
Note that entries for "Trial Tracking" Promo Codes will not include any charge details, as iClassPro does not create a charge for Trial enrollments.