What Do the Chargeback Reason Codes Mean?

Learn about the different chargeback reason codes and what they mean. Whenever a chargeback is initiated, a code is passed through from the issuing bank that gives a reason for the dispute. The codes for each card brand are listed below along with the recommended documentation to provide.

Visa Chargeback Reason Codes

  • Condition 10.1 - EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit Fraud 
  • Condition 10.2 - EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit Fraud
  • Condition 10.3 - Other Fraud – Card-Present Environment
  • Condition 10.4 - Other Fraud – Card-Absent Environment
  • Condition 10.5 - Visa Fraud Monitoring Program
  • Condition 11.1 - Card Recovery Bulletin
  • Condition 11.2 - Declined Authorization
  • Condition 11.3 - No Authorization
  • Condition 12.1 - Late Presentment
  • Condition 12.2 - Incorrect Transaction Code
  • Condition 12.3 - Incorrect Currency
  • Condition 12.4 - Incorrect Account Number
  • Condition 12.5 - Amount
  • Condition 12.6 - Duplicate Processing/Paid by Other Means
  • Condition 12.7 - Invalid Data
  • Condition 13.1 - Merchandise/Services Not Received
  • Condition 13.2 - Canceled Recurring
  • Condition 13.3 - Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services
  • Condition 13.4 - Counterfeit Merchandise
  • Condition 13.5 - Misrepresentation
  • Condition 13.6 - Credit Not Processed
  • Condition 13.7 - Canceled Merchandise/Services
  • Condition 13.8 - Original Credit Transaction Not Accepted
  • Condition 13.9 - Non-receipt of cash or Load Transaction Value

Condition 10.1- EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit Fraud 

What caused the dispute?
The cardholder has a chip card, but the transaction did not take place at a chip terminal or was not chip read.
How should I respond?
The transaction took place at a chip terminal: Provide documentation to support that the transaction was chip read and evidence that the full chip data was transmitted.

You agree the transaction did not take place at a chip terminal: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder stating that they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 10.2 - EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit Fraud 

What caused the dispute?
The most common cause of this dispute is that a PIN-preferring chip card was used either at a non-EMV terminal or a chip transaction was initiated without full chip data.
How should I respond?
The transaction took place at an EMV PIN compliant terminal: Provide documentation to support that the transaction took place at an EMV PIN compliant terminal.

You agree the transaction was not completed at an EMV PIN-compliant terminal: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 10.3 - Other Fraud – Card-Present Environment

What caused the dispute?
The most common causes of this type of dispute are that you:

  • Did not ensure that the card was either swiped or that the chip was read.
  • Did not make a manual imprint of the card account information on the transaction receipt for a key entered transaction.
  • Completed a card-absent transaction, but did not identify the transaction as an internet or mail order/phone order.

How should I respond?
The card was chip-read or swiped and the transaction was authorized at the point of sale: Provide a copy of the authorization record as proof that the card’s magnetic stripe or chip was read.

A manual imprint was obtained at the time of sale: Provide a copy of the manual imprint.

You agree the transaction was not chip-read, swiped or manually imprinted: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide your card processor with a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 10.4 Other Fraud - Card-Absent Environment

What caused the dispute?
The most common causes of this type of dispute are:

You: Processed a card-absent transaction from a person who was fraudulently
using an account number.
The cardholder: Had their account number taken by fraudulent means. Or due to an unclear or a confusing merchant name the cardholder believes the transaction to be fraudulent. 
How should I respond?

Provide the following: Proof of an Exact AVS Match and that profile/membership information matches card information (i.e. invoices, profile/membership info, etc.). Proof that merchandise/service was a legitimate purchase by the cardholder. Proof the cardholder participated or benefited from the transaction.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 10.5 Visa Fraud Monitoring Program

What caused the dispute?
Your business was entered into the VFMP and the issuer was permitted to dispute the fraudulent transaction.
How should I respond?

You have already processed a creditor reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

You have already accepted a prior dispute for the same transaction: Provide details of the previously accepted dispute. 

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 11.1 - Card Recovery Bulletin

What caused the dispute?
You failed to check the Card Recovery Bulletin (CRB) when required.
How should I respond?
You agree the transaction was not authorized and the CRB was not checked: Accept the dispute.

Transaction took place at an EMV compliant terminal or contactless only acceptance device: Provide documentation to support that the transaction took place at an EMV PIN compliant terminal.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 11.2- Declined Authorization

What caused the dispute?
The most common cause for this type of dispute is processing a transaction after a decline or card pickup response, you sent the transaction in your capture file without attempting another authorization request (commonly referred to as forced posting).
How should I respond?
You believe the transaction was authorized: Have your card processor provide evidence that the transaction was authorized online or offline 0via the chip.

You agree the transaction was not authorized: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a creditor reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction

Condition 11.3- No Authorization

What caused the dispute?
The most common causes for this type of dispute is you did not obtain any authorization or a sufficient authorization to cover the amount of the transaction.
How should I respond?
You obtained an authorization: Notify your card processor and provide documentation.

You agree the transaction was not authorized: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 12.1- Late Presentment

What caused the dispute?
The transaction was not sent to Visa within the timeframe required.
How should I respond?
You believe the transaction was completed within the time limit: Provide a copy of the receipt to support the transaction date.

The transaction was completed later than the specified time limit: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 12.2- Incorrect Transaction Code

What caused the dispute?
You processed a debit when you should have processed a credit or you processed a credit when you should have processed a reversal.
How should I respond?
You believe the transaction was processed correctly: Provide documentation that shows the transaction was processed correctly as a credit or debit to the cardholder’s account.

The transaction was processed incorrectly: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 12.3- Incorrect Currency

What caused the dispute?
There are two common causes for this type of dispute:

  • The transaction currency is different from the currency transmitted through Visa.
  • The cardholder claims that you failed to offer them a choice of paying in your local currency or that they declined paying in their local currency.

How should I respond?
You believe this was a properly processed DCC transaction: Provide your card processor with documentation such as: 

  • Evidence that the cardholder actively chose DCC
  • A copy of the transaction receipt

The transaction was processed incorrectly: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 12.4- Incorrect Account Number

What caused the dispute?
The incorrect account number was processed.
How should I respond?
You believe that the account number on the dispute matches the account number on your copy
of the receipt: Provide a copy of the receipt and if the dispute relates to a transaction processed on an account number not on the issuer’s master file provide a copy of the authorization log.

The account number on the dispute does not match the account number on your copy of the
receipt: Accept the dispute.

Transaction was not authorized: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 12.5- Incorrect Amount

What caused the dispute?
You made a data entry error (i.e., keyed in the wrong amount, handwritten amount differs from printed amount).
How should I respond?
Transaction amount is correct: Provide supporting documentation (i.e., copy of transaction receipt).

The transaction amount was incorrect: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 12.6- Duplicate Processing

What caused the dispute?
There are four common causes for this type of dispute:

  • You entered the same transaction into your terminal more than once.
  • You electronically sent the same transaction capture batch to your card processor more than once.
  • You deposited both the merchant copy and the acquirer copy of the transaction receipt.
  • Two transaction receipts were created for the same purchase.

How should I respond?
Transactions receipts are not duplicates: Provide information and documentation to show the two transactions are separate and are not for the same item or service.

Transaction was duplicated: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that shows they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 12.6- Paid by Other Means

What caused the dispute?
The cardholder initially gave you a Visa card as payment, but then decided to use cash, check, or another card after you completed the transaction.
How should I respond?
Visa card was the only form of payment used: Provide the sales records or other documentation that shows no other form of payment was used.

The cardholder did use another form of payment: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 12.7- Invalid Data

What caused the dispute?
An authorization request contained an incorrect transaction date, MCC, merchant or transaction type indicator, Country or State Code, Special Condition Indicator, or other required field.
How should I respond?
The authorization did not contain invalid data: Provide the sales records or other documentation to support that the transaction was authorized with valid data.

The authorization was obtained using invalid date: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 13.1- Merchandise/Services Not Received

What caused the dispute?
There are several common causes for this type of dispute:

  • You did not provide the services.
  • You did not send the merchandise by the agreed-upon delivery date, time or to the agreed upon location.
  • You billed for the transaction before shipping the merchandise.
  • You did not make merchandise available for pick-up.

How should I respond?
You delivered the merchandise or made it available for pickup by the agreed-upon date or agreed
upon location: Provide documentation to prove that the cardholder or authorized person received the merchandise or services as agreed.

Specified delivery date has not yet passed: Provide documentation to support the expected delivery date.

Cardholder canceled prior to expected date: Provide documentation to support you were able to provide merchandise or service and that the cardholder canceled prior to the delivery date.

Transaction represents a partial payment with balance due: Provide documentation to support additional payments due.

You did not deliver the merchandise or provide the service as agreed: Notify your card processor that you accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 13.2- Canceled Recurring Transaction

What caused the dispute?
There are several common causes for this type of dispute such as follows:

  • The cardholder:
    • Withdrew permission to charge the account.
    • Canceled payment of a membership fee.
    • Canceled the card account.
  • The cardholder’s bank:
    • Canceled the card account.
  • You:
    • Received notice that the cardholder’s account was closed before the transaction was processed.

How should I respond?
Transaction was canceled, but services were used: If the customer claimed they were billed after the services were canceled, supply proof that the bill in question covered services used by the customer between the date of the customer’s prior billing statement and the date the customer canceled.

The cardholder canceled the service and you have not issued a credit: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder stating that they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 13.3- Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services

What caused the dispute?
There are several common causes for this type of dispute:

  • You sent the wrong merchandise to the cardholder.
  • You sent the merchandise, but it was damaged during shipment.
  • You inaccurately described the merchandise or services.
  • You did not perform the services as described.

How should I respond?
The merchandise or service was as described: Provide specific information (invoice, contract, etc.) to refute the cardholder’s claims. Quality disputes are where the customer does not agree with the condition of merchandise or service received (e.g.,a car repair situation or quality of a hotel room). There may be instances where you will need to obtain a neutral third-party opinion to help corroborate your claim against the cardholder. Provide as much specific information and documentation as possible to refute the cardholder’s claims. It is recommended that you address each point that the cardholder has made.

Returned merchandise was not received or services were not canceled: Advise that you have not received the returned merchandise and the cardholder never attempted to return or cardholder has not canceled services. However, double check your incoming shipping records to verify prior to response.

The merchandise was replaced or repaired: Provide evidence of the following:

  • The cardholder agreed to repair or replacement
  • Repair or replacement was received
  • The repair replacement has not since been disputed

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the creditor reversal including the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 13.4- Counterfeit Merchandise

What caused the dispute?
You sold merchandise that has been identified as counterfeit.
How should I respond?
The merchandise was not counterfeit: Provide specific information and invoices to refute the cardholder’s claims.

The cardholder’s complaint is valid: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder stating that they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 13.5- Misrepresentation

What caused the dispute?
The terms of sale were misrepresented for a transaction involving the following merchant types such as:

  • Timeshare Reseller
  • Debt Consolidation
  • Credit Repair/Counseling
  • Mortgage Repair/Modification/Counselling
  • Foreclosure Relief Services
  • Technical Services/Support
  • Business Opportunities with income possibility
  • Investment Products when merchant refuses to allow cardholder to withdraw available balance (e.g. binary options)
  • In the Europe Region Trial Periods/One-off purchase where the cardholder was not clearly advised of any further billing

How should I respond?
The merchandise or services were not misrepresented: Provide documentation to prove the terms of sale were not misrepresented or for investments evidence that there are no funds to withdraw.

The merchandise or services were misrepresented: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 13.6- Credit Not Processed

What caused the dispute?
The most common causes for this dispute are that you:

  • Did not issue a credit.
  • Issued the credit, but did not deposit the credit with your acquirer in time for it to appear on the cardholder’s next statement.
  • Have a transaction receipt that should have been voided/canceled, but was processed.

How should I respond?
The sale is valid and credit is not due: Provide documentation and refute the validity of the documentation supplied by the cardholder’s bank.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 13.7- Canceled Merchandise/Services

What caused the dispute?
The most common causes for this dispute are that you:

  • Did not issue a credit for the canceled services or merchandise that was returned.
  • Did not issue a credit because you do not accept returns, however you did not properly disclose your return policy.
  • Did not process a cancellation for a timeshare within 14 days of the contract or receipt date.
  • Did not process a properly canceled a guaranteed reservation.

How should I respond?
You never received, or accepted, the returned merchandise: Provide evidence you refused the return of the merchandise.

Your policies were properly disclosed: Provide documentation to support that your limited return or cancellation policy was properly disclosed and agreed to at the time of sale.

The cardholder did not cancel according to your disclosed policy: Provide documentation to support that your limited return or cancellation policy was properly disclosed and how the cardholder did not cancel according to the disclosed policy.

Cardholder continued to use services: Provide evidence to support.

The cardholder’s complaint is valid: Accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 13.8- Original Credit Transaction Not Accepted

What caused the dispute?
Either the cardholder does not accept the credit, or the issuer does not allow Original Credit Transactions (OCT’s) on certain types of cards due to local law.
How should I respond?
The credit transaction was reversed: Supply documentation or information to support.

The dispute is valid: Accept the dispute.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

Condition 13.9- Non-Receipt of Cash or Load Transaction Value

What caused the dispute?
Cardholder did not receive the full cash withdrawal or received only partial amount.
How should I respond?
The ATM did dispense the correct value of cash: Provide your card processor with a copy of the ATM cash disbursement transaction or load transaction record containing at least the following:

  • Account Number
  • Transaction time or sequential number that identifies the individual transactions
  • Indicator that confirms the ATM cash disbursement or load transaction value was successful

The cardholder’s complaint is valid: Notify your card processor that you accept the dispute.

You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction: Provide documentation of the credit or reversal; include the amount and the date it was processed.

The cardholder no longer disputes the transaction: Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction.

MasterCard Chargeback Reason Codes

  • Reason code 4801 - Requested Transaction Data Not Received
  • Reason code 4802 - Requested/ Required Information Illegible or Missing
  • Reason code 4807 - Warning Bulletin File
  • Reason code 4808 - Requested/Required Authorization Not Obtained
  • Reason code 4812 - Account Number Not On File
  • Reason code 4831 - Transaction Amount Differs
  • Reason code 4834 - Duplicate Processing
  • Reason code 4835 - Card Not Valid or Expired
  • Reason code 4837 - No Cardholder Authorization
  • Reason code 4840 - Fraudulent Processing of Transaction 
  • Reason code 4841 - Canceled Recurring Transaction
  • Reason code 4842 - Late Presentment
  • Reason code 4846 - Correct Transaction Currency Code Not Provided
  • Reason code 4847 - Exceeds Floor Limit, Not Authorized and Fraudulent Transaction
  • Reason code 4849 - Questionable Merchant Activity
  • Reason code 4850 - Credit Posted As a Purchase
  • Reason code 4854 - Cardholder Dispute - Not Elsewhere Classified (US only)
  • Reason code 4853 - Cardholder Dispute – Not as Described
  • Reason code 4855 - Services Not Provided/Merchandise not Received
  • Reason code 4857 - Card-Activated Telephone Transaction
  • Reason code 4859 - Services Not Rendered
  • Reason code 4860 - Credit Not Processed
  • Reason code 4863 -  Cardholder Does Not Recognize- Potential Fraud

Reason code 4801 - Requested Transaction Data Not Received

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That they fulfilled retrieval request on time.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that retrieval request was fulfilled before expiration (i.e. invoice, screenshot of fulfilled retrieval request, etc.).
Service: Proof that retrieval request was fulfilled before expiration (i.e. invoice, screenshot of fulfilled retrieval request, etc.).
**Merchant has no re-presentment rights if they did not fulfill the retrieval request
**Merchant must contact Chargebacks and request a precompliance if transaction was previously refunded in full

Reason code 4802 - Requested/ Required Information Illegible or Missing

Please provide the following: Provide the missing or illegible information requested, or proof that a credit was processed.

Reason code 4807 - Warning Bulletin File

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That they received a valid and approved authorization and deposit before the card was placed on the warning bulletin list.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof of a valid authorization and deposit before the card was placed on the warning bulletin list (i.e. screen shot of approved authorization/case info page).
Service: Proof of a valid authorization and deposit before the card was placed on the warning bulletin list (i.e. screen shot of approved authorization/case info page).

Reason code 4808 - Requested/Required Authorization Not Obtained

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That they deposited within 7 days of receiving a valid and approved authorization. The authorization cannot be external. The deposit cannot be more than the authorization.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that deposit was within 7 days of valid and approved authorization (i.e. screen shot of authorization/case info page).
Service: Proof that deposit was within 7 days of valid and approved authorization (i.e. screen shot of authorization/case info page).
**Merchant should not dispute reason code 4808 unless they have proof of a valid Authorization

Reason code 4812 - Account Number Not on File

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That card number is correct and an authorization was approved by the issuer.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof of a valid and approved authorization from the issuer (i.e. screenshot of the authorization/case info page).
Service: Proof of a valid and approved authorization from the issuer (i.e. screenshot of the authorization/case info page).
**If CC# is invalid, merchant should accept this chargeback and either bill the correct credit card number, or contact the cardholder for another means of payment.

Reason code 4831 - Transaction Amount Differs

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That original transaction amount is correct, or that cardholder agreed to altered amount.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that disputed amount matches price of what was ordered (i.e. invoice, cardholder agreement, etc.).
Service: Proof that disputed amount matches price of what was received (i.e. invoice, cardholder agreement, etc.).

Reason code 4834 - Duplicate Processing

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That two separate transactions were processed.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that there were two separate orders from the cardholder, or that recurring billing is properly disclosed (i.e. all invoices, terms & conditions, cardholder agreement, etc.).
Service: Proof that there were two separate orders from the cardholder, or that recurring billing is properly disclosed (i.e. all invoice, terms & conditions, cardholder agreement, etc.).
**Please provide invoices and documents for all transactions referenced in this dispute

Reason code 4835 - Card Not Valid or Expired

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That card was not expired on the transaction date and merchant obtained a valid and approved authorization.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that authorization and deposit were completed before the card was expired (i.e. screen shot of the authorization/case info page).
Service: Proof that authorization and deposit were completed before the card was expired (i.e. screen shot of the authorization/case info page).
**Cards expire on the last day of their expiration month.

Reason code 4837 - No Cardholder Authorization

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That merchandise/service was a legitimate purchase by the cardholder.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof of an Exact AVS Match and that merchandise was delivered to AVS match address (i.e. invoices w/billing & shipping addresses, proof of delivery, etc.).
Service: Proof of an Exact AVS Match and that profile/membership information matches card information (i.e. invoices, profile/membership info, etc.).
**Transactions through a foreign bank will not have an AVS Match; these chargebacks can still be disputed
**We recommend only representing reason code 4837 if there is an Exact AVS Match.

Reason code 4840 - Fraudulent Processing of Transaction 

Please provide the following: Provide proof that you are processing multiple transaction to the card with cardholder permission along with a letter explaining the charges, or proof that a credit was processed.

Reason code 4841 - Canceled Recurring Transaction

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That cardholder did not cancel, or canceled after the transaction date. That cardholder used service or received goods after the alleged cancellation date, or that merchandise was shipped before cancellation date. Proof that this is not a recurring charge; it is installment billing.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that order had shipped prior to cancellation date and no returns have been received (i.e. shipping information/ proof of delivery, etc.).
Service: Proof that cardholder used service after the alleged cancellation date (i.e. login info, etc.).
** We recommend accepting most 41’s as it is very difficult to prove a cardholder did NOT cancel, and MasterCard only requires that cardholders provide a date of cancellation.

Reason code 4842 - Late Presentment

Please provide the following: Provide proof that the transaction date was originally submitted incorrectly and provide incorrect and corrected dates, or proof that a credit was processed.

Reason code 4846 - Correct Transaction Currency Code Not Provided

Please provide the following: Provide proof that the correct transaction amount and currency code were submitted, or proof that a credit was processed.

Reason code 4847 - Exceeds Floor Limit, Not Authorized and Fraudulent Transaction

Please provide the following: Provide proof that the full transaction amount was authorized by issuer or MasterCard, that partial transaction amount was authorized (only dispute partial amount), or proof that a credit was processed.

Reason code 4849 - Questionable Merchant Activity

Please provide the following: Provide proof that the card acceptor was not listed on the MasterCard Global Security Bulletin at time of transaction, or proof that a credit was processed.

Reason code 4850 - Credit Posted As a Purchase

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That transaction was processed properly as a purchase and not a credit.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that the transaction was correctly processed (i.e. invoice showing product ordered matches transaction amount).
Service: Proof that the transaction was correctly processed (i.e. invoice showing service ordered matches transaction amount).

Reason code 4854 - Cardholder Dispute - Not Elsewhere Classified (US only)

Please provide the following: Provide proof that contradicts the issuers supporting documentation, or proof that a credit was processed.

Reason code 4853 - Cardholder Dispute – Not as Described

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That service/item was as described or that any defects were fixed/defected items were replaced.
Please provide the following:
Proof that cardholder was sent a replacement item (i.e. shipping information, terms & conditions, return information, invoice, etc.). Proof that shipped items were as described, and were delivered to cardholder’s shipping address (i.e. invoice, terms & conditions, proof of delivery, etc.).
Service: Proof that services promised were those that were received by cardholder (i.e. invoice, terms & conditions, log
in information, etc.)
**Merchants are responsible for shipping & handling charges if merchandise was defective or not as described.

Reason code 4855 - Services Not Provided/Merchandise not Received

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That merchandise was delivered/services were rendered.
Please provide the following:
Order: Invoice that shows cardholder’s shipping address and a signed proof of delivery to that shipping address. [i.e. tracking number & screen shot/print out of shipper’s (USPS, FEDEX, UPS,) proof of delivery, etc.].
Service: Proof that cardholder utilized services (i.e. invoice, log
in information, etc.).

Reason code 4857 - Card-Activated Telephone Transaction

Please provide the following: Provide proof that the transaction is not a Card-Activated Telephone transaction, or proof that a credit was processed.

Reason code 4859 - Services Not Rendered

Please provide the following: Provide proof that the services were; or that the cardholder was advised of the no-show policy, or proof that a credit was processed.

Reason code 4860 - Credit Not Processed

Please provide the following: Provide a statement that you did not agree to credit cardholder, have not received merchandise back or a cancellation of services request, or that the cancellation policy was disclosed to the cardholder at point of interaction (provide policy), or proof that a credit was processed.

Reason code 4863 -  Cardholder Does Not Recognize- Potential Fraud

Please provide the following: Provide documentation showing dates and information about service agreement, order information, proof of delivery. contract and any other information that will assist cardholder in identifying the transaction, or proof that a credit was processed. 

Discover Chargeback Reason Codes

  • Reason code 4534 - Duplicate Processing (DP)
  • Reason code 4535  - Expired Card (EX)
  • Reason code 4541 - Recurring Payment (AP)
  • Reason code 4550 - Credit Posted as Card Sales (CD)
  • Reason code 4553 - Cardholder Disputes Quality Of Goods Or Services (RM)
  • Reason code 4554  - Not Classified (NC)

Reason code 4534 - Duplicate Processing (DP)

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That two separate transactions were processed.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that there were two separate orders from the cardholder (i.e. all invoices, terms & conditions, etc.).
Service: Proof that there were two separate orders from the cardholder (i.e. all invoices, terms & conditions, etc.).
**Please provide invoices and documents for all transactions referenced in this dispute

Reason code 4535 - Expired Card (EX)

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That card was not expired on the transaction date and merchant obtained a valid and approved authorization.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that authorization and deposit were completed before the card was expired (i.e. screen shot of the authorization/case info page).
Service: Proof that authorization and deposit were completed before the card was expired (i.e. screen shot of the authorization/case info page).
**Cards expire on the last day of their expiration month.

Reason code 4541 - Recurring Payment (AP)

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That cardholder did not cancel at least 15 days prior to transaction date. That cardholder’s cancellation number is invalid and the transactions were processed correctly. And/or that recurring payments plan requires cardholder to pay the amount regardless of expiration or cancellation of recurring transaction.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that cardholder didn’t cancel 15 days prior to transaction date, proof that cancellation number is invalid and/or proof that terms & conditions state that cardholder must pay regardless of cancellation (i.e. terms & conditions, cancellation policy, cardholder’s cancellation information, etc.).
Service: Proof that cardholder didn’t cancel 15 days prior to transaction date, proof that cancellation number is invalid and/or proof that terms & conditions state that cardholder must pay regardless of cancellation (i.e. terms & conditions, cancellation policy, cardholder’s cancellation information, etc.).

Reason code 4550 - Credit Posted as Card Sales (CD)

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That cardholder received goods/services and that the transaction was properly processed as a card sale.
Please provide the following:
Proof that cardholder received goods and charge was properly processed (i.e. invoice, proof of delivery, return policy, etc.).
Service: Proof that cardholder received services and charge was properly processed (i.e. Invoice, screen shots/log‐in information, cancellation policy, etc.).

Reason code 4553 - Cardholder Disputes Quality of Goods or Services (RM)

Merchant Should Demonstrate: One of the following: 1) That cardholder received goods/services and they were as advertised 2) The cardholder did not contact the merchant to dispute quality 3) That the dispute was resolved to cardholder’s satisfaction 4) That cardholder initiated chargeback due to inconvenience 5) That merchant/acquirer did not conduct a currency alteration/substitution
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that goods were received as advertised and cardholder did not contact merchant to dispute or that the dispute was resolved (i.e. invoice, proof of delivery, proof of replacement delivery, customer information, terms and conditions, applicable advertisements, etc.).
Service: Proof that services were rendered as advertised and cardholder did not contact merchant to dispute, or that the dispute was resolved (i.e. invoice, customer information, log‐in/service usage information, terms and conditions, applicable advertisements, etc.).

Reason code 4554 - Not Classified (NC)

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That cardholder received goods or services and that transaction was properly processed.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that goods were delivered and transaction was properly processed (i.e. proof of delivery, invoice, terms and conditions, etc.).
Service: Proof that services were rendered and transaction was properly processed (i.e. login information, invoice, terms and conditions, etc.).

American Express Chargeback Reason Codes

  • C02 – Credit (or partial credit) Not Processed
  • C04- Goods/Services Returned or Refused
  • C05 – Goods/Services Canceled
  • C08 – Goods/Services Not Received
  • C28 – Canceled Recurring Billing
  • C31 – Goods/Services Not as Described
  • C32 – Goods/Services Damaged or Defective
  • P03 – Credit Processed as Charge
  • P04 – Charge Processed as Credit
  • P05 – Incorrect Charge Amount
  • P08 – Duplicate Charge

 C02 – Credit (or partial credit) Not Processed

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That returned goods were not received and terms and conditions/refund policies were properly disclosed prior to transaction, and that merchandise was delivered/services were provided. Or that a credit was processed.
Please provide the following:
Order: Statement that returned goods were not received, and proof that terms and conditions/refund policies are properly disclosed prior to purchase or that a credit was processed (i.e. proof of refund, return policy, terms and conditions, proof of delivery, invoices, etc.).
Service: Statement that a cancellation of services request was not received, and proof that terms & conditions/cancellation policies are properly disclosed prior to purchase, or proof that a credit was processed. (i.e. proof of refund, cancellation policy, terms and conditions, invoices, etc.).

C04- Goods/Services Returned or Refused

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That returned goods were not received and terms and conditions/refund policies were properly disclosed prior to transaction, and that merchandise was delivered/services were provided. Or that a credit was processed.
Please provide the following:
Order: Statement that returned goods were not received, and proof that terms and conditions/refund policies are properly disclosed prior to purchase or that a credit was processed (i.e. proof of refund, return policy, terms and conditions, proof of delivery, invoices, etc.).
Service: Statement that a cancellation of services request was not received, and proof that terms & conditions/cancellation policies are properly disclosed prior to purchase, or proof that a credit was processed. (i.e. proof of refund, cancellation policy, terms and conditions, invoices, etc.).

C05 – Goods/Services Canceled

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That cardholder did not cancel, or canceled after the transaction date. That cardholder used service or received goods after the alleged cancellation date, or that merchandise was shipped before the cancellation date. Proof that this is not a recurring charge; it is installment billing.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that order had shipped prior to the cancellation date and no returns have been received (i.e. shipping information/ proof of delivery, etc.).
Service: Proof that cardholder used service after the alleged cancellation date (i.e. login info, etc.).

C08 – Goods/Services Not Received

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That merchandise was delivered/services were rendered.
Please provide the following:
Order: Invoice that shows cardholder’s shipping address and a signed proof of delivery to that shipping address. [i.e. tracking number & screen shot/print out of shipper’s (USPS, FEDEX, UPS,) proof of delivery, etc.].
Service: Proof that cardholder utilized services (i.e. invoice, log
in information, etc.).

C28 – Canceled Recurring Billing

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That cardholder did not cancel, or canceled after the transaction date. That cardholder used service or received goods after the alleged cancellation date, or that merchandise was shipped before the cancellation date. Proof that this is not a recurring charge; it is installment billing.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that order had shipped prior to the cancellation date and no returns have been received (i.e. shipping information/ proof of delivery, etc.).
Service: Proof that cardholder used service after the alleged cancellation date (i.e. login info, etc.).
** We recommend accepting most C28’s as it is very difficult to prove a cardholder did NOT cancel.

C31 – Goods/Services Not as Described

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That service/item was as described or that any defects were fixed/defected items were replaced.
Please provide the following:
Proof that cardholder was sent a replacement item (i.e. shipping information, terms & conditions, return information, invoice, etc.). Proof that shipped items were as described, and were delivered to cardholder’s shipping address (i.e. invoice, terms & conditions, proof of delivery, etc.).
Service: Proof that services promised were those that were received by cardholder (i.e. invoice, terms & conditions, log
in information, etc.)
**Merchants are responsible for shipping & handling charges if merchandise was defective or not as described.

C32 – Goods/Services Damaged or Defective

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That service/item was as described or that any defects were fixed/defected items were replaced.
Please provide the following:
Proof that cardholder was sent a replacement item (i.e. shipping information, terms & conditions, return information, invoice, etc.). Proof that shipped items were as described, and were delivered to cardholder’s shipping address (i.e. invoice, terms & conditions, proof of delivery, etc.).
Service: Proof that services promised were those that were received by cardholder (i.e. invoice, terms & conditions, log
in information, etc.)
**Merchants are responsible for shipping & handling charges if merchandise was defective or not as described.

P03 – Credit Processed as Charge

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That transaction was processed properly as a purchase and not a credit.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that the transaction was correctly processed (i.e. invoice showing product ordered matches transaction amount).
Service: Proof that the transaction was correctly processed (i.e. invoice showing service ordered matches transaction amount).

P04 – Charge Processed as Credit

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That transaction was processed properly as a credit and not a charge.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that the transaction was correctly processed (i.e. invoice showing product ordered matches transaction amount).
Service: Proof that the transaction was correctly processed (i.e. invoice showing service ordered matches transaction amount).


P05 – Incorrect Charge Amount

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That original transaction amount is correct or that cardholder agreed to altered amount.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that disputed amount matches price of what was ordered (i.e. invoice, cardholder agreement, etc.).
Service: Proof that disputed amount matches price of what was received (i.e. invoice, cardholder agreement, etc.).

P08 – Duplicate Charge

Merchant Should Demonstrate: That two separate transactions were processed.
Please provide the following:
Order: Proof that there were two separate orders from the cardholder, or that recurring billing is properly disclosed (i.e. all invoices, terms & conditions, cardholder agreement, etc.).
Service: Proof that there were two separate orders from the cardholder, or that recurring billing is properly disclosed (i.e. all invoice, terms & conditions, cardholder agreement, etc.).
**Please provide invoices and documents for all transactions referenced in this dispute

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).