Learn about Widgets used on the Welcome Page and Dashboard and how they are used to provide valuable information about your business at a glance.
What are Widgets?
iClassPro offers a number of widgets for your Welcome Page and Dashboard to help keep you up-to-date with metrics about your business operations at a glance! Some widgets are simple counts of certain activities and some use comparisons to help you visualize trends. Clicking on some widgets can either open a window with more details or take you to another page with filters applied to deliver more information and actions.
When comparing data in these widgets, the system uses the same day of the previous year as the basis for the "Last Year" results, and last day of the previous month as the basis for the "Last Month" results. (This is to address any possible discrepancies due to leap years.)
So for example: if today is 8/1/2024, "Last Month" would reflect the results as of 7/31/2024 and "Last Year" would reflect the results as of 8/1/2023.
What Types of Widgets are Available?
The types of widgets available will vary based on whether you are viewing the Welcome Page or the Dashboard.
The Welcome Page consists of a fixed layout with access to KPI widgets and certain List widgets, as well as a few unique additions that are not available from the Dashboard.
Welcome Page Widgets:
- An Online Activity widget where activity from the customer portal can be viewed and managed.
(This widget cannot be removed or replaced.) - A Knowledgebase and Education Corner widget with a link to iClassPro Help articles and other training materials.
(This widget cannot be removed or replaced.) - A Support widget containing contact information and hours for iClassPro
(This widget cannot be removed or replaced.) - iClassPro News (News widget) which will keep you up to date with communications from iClassPro
- iClassPro Announcements (News widget) which will highlight important announcements from iClasspro
- Customer Portal News (News widget) which will allow staff to quickly view news posted to the customer portal via the News & Announcements tool.
Welcome page widgets that can be swapped out are indicated by a "swap" icon displayed when the Welcome page is in edit mode.
Dashboard Widgets
The Dashboard is a more flexible interface that you can organize into a layout that suits your needs. It also includes access to a wider variety of widgets - including the following types of widgets:
- KPI Widgets
- List Widgets
- Status Widgets
- Program Widgets
- Bar/Line Chart Widgets
To learn more about specific widgets, what they do, and any permissions required, continue reading.
Most of these widgets will only require the staff member to have access to the Dashboard or Welcome page to view the data. Any Widgets which require more specific permissions to access data or features will have that information noted.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Widgets (Welcome and Dashboard)
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) widgets allow you to compare data between years. The information is based on the current month, last month, in the same month one year ago, and an indicator showing whether the numbers have risen or fallen within the past seven days.
The comparison data in KPI widgets can be customized based on your needs. The difference indicator can be set to show the change from today to 7 days ago, 30 days ago, or 60 days ago. The Past totals below can be set to show the Past/Previous 7 days, Past/Previous 30 days, or the same 30 days in the previous year.
In these cases, "Past" means the immediate 7 or 30 days prior to today's date. "Previous" means the 7 or 30 day period before that.
So for example, using 9/21/2018 as a starting point, these numbers would be based on:
- Past 7 Days - the highest number of Active Families/Students/Enrollments between 9/14/2018-9/20/2018.
- Previous 7 Days - the highest number of Active Families/Students/Enrollments between 9/7/2018-9/13/2018.
- Past 30 Days - the highest number of Active Families/Students/Enrollments between 8/22/2018-9/20/2018.
- Previous 30 Days - the highest number of Active Families/Students/Enrollments between 7/22/2018-8/21/2018.
- Same 30 days, Previous Year - the highest number of Active Families/Students/Enrollments between 8/22/2017-9/20/2017.
Available Key Performance Indicator widgets include:
This widget displays the total number of Active Type enrollments as of the current date, with comparison data available and the option to include or exclude inactive classes/camps.
NOTE: Because iClassPro counts a transfer as a single enrollment, the Active Enrollments widget may not match the Program Summary widget if a student has transferred from one Program to another within the date range being reported. The Program Summary widget would count one enrollment for each Program, while the Active Enrollments widget would count this as a single enrollment.
- This widget has a setting called "Search Enrollments For The Last Seven Days." This setting is DISABLED by default, as Dashboard widgets are intended to give a snapshot view of enrollment data as of the current date.
- If this setting is DISABLED, the widget assumes you just want to see enrollment counts for the current date in the widget. This number should match the total on the Program Summary Report if run for the current dates.
- If the setting iS ENABLED, then the count will include any enrollments within the past seven days. This number should match the total on the Program Summary Report if run for the same date range.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires the staff member's "Families/Students" task permission to be set to view or full.
This widget displays the total number of Active families as of the current date, with comparison data available. Includes option to include or exclude inactive classes/camps. (For the purposes of this widget, "Active" is defined as the total of Active, Trial, Makeup, and Single Day enrollments with a start date on or before the current date and a drop/end date that is either null OR greater than or equal to the current date.)
- This widget has a setting called "Search Enrollments For The Last Seven Days." This setting is DISABLED by default, as Dashboard widgets are intended to give a snapshot view of enrollment data as of the current date.
- If this setting is DISABLED, the widget assumes you just want to see the total number of families with active enrollments on the current date in the widget.
- If the setting is ENABLED, then the count will include any families with active enrollments within the past seven days.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires the staff member's "Families/Students" task permission to be set to view or full.
Active Students will display the total number of Active students as of the current date, with comparison data available. Includes option to include or exclude inactive classes/camps. (For the purposes of this widget, "Active" is defined as the total of Active, Trial, Makeup, and Single Day enrollments with a start date on or before the current date and a drop/end date that is either null OR greater than or equal to the current date.)
NOTE: Due to a difference in how the system calculates student numbers based on enrollment types, using the "All Enrollments" option can result in a seeming discrepancy between the "Active Students" widget and the "Active Enrollments" widget (since the "Active Enrollments" widget is limited to only ACTIVE type enrollments by default). Selecting the "Active Enrollments" option will help resolve this issue.
This widget has a setting called "Search Enrollments For The Last Seven Days." This setting is DISABLED by default, as Dashboard widgets are intended to give a snapshot view of enrollment data as of the current date.
- If this setting is DISABLED, the widget assumes you just want to see the total number of students with active enrollments on the current date in the widget. This number should match the total on the Program Summary Report if run for the current date.
- If the setting is ENABLED, then the count will include any student with active enrollments within the past seven days. This number should match the total on the Program Summary Report if run for the same date range.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires the staff member's "Students" page permission to be set to full.
List Widgets (Welcome and Dashboard)
List widgets allow you to compare data based on today, yesterday and the entire month. Lists available include AutoPay information, Enrollments, Drops, Transfers, Payments & Credits, Skills Evaluated/Levels Passed/Events Passed, Pending Class Enrollment/Drop/Transfer Requests, and Accounts Created.
List widgets that don't have time frame settings are noted with an asterisk (*). These are current point-in-time status counts only.
Accounts Created
The number of new family accounts created through the Customer Portal based on Online Activity entries. As online activity notifications are cleared, this number will decrease.
All Accounts Created
The total number of new family accounts created (in both the Office Portal and Customer Portal).
Appointment Bookings
A total number of appointment bookings as of the current date, with comparison data for yesterday, the current calendar month and last calendar month.
Live Stream Billing Count
Minimum, maximum, and average active students for the last 30 days. iClassPro takes a daily snapshot of students with ACTIVE, TRIAL, and CASUAL/DROP IN/ON DEMAND/SINGLE DAY enrollment types, then it uses these numbers to calculate the monthly subscription cost for iClassPro Live. For more information about iClassPro Live, contact support.
PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires page access to the Students Page to be set to full.
NOTE: Deleting enrollments or editing the enrollment dates will affect historical data. This will cause enrollment counts to change and therefore reports run after deleting enrollments will not match the numbers reflected here.
Total number of AutoPay payment events as of the current date, with comparison data for yesterday and the current calendar month.
A total number of Drops as of the current date, with comparison data for yesterday and the current calendar month.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires task access to Enrollments is set to view or full.
Drops & Transfers
The number of drops and transfers occurring
A total number of Active Type enrollments as of the current date, with comparison data for yesterday, the current calendar month, and the last calendar month.
A total number of automatically created makeup tokens, manually created makeup tokens, and number of Makeup Tokens used within the selected Time Frame.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires task access to Attendance to be set to full.
Overtime Hours
Displays the combined overtime hours with totals for This Week/This Month/Previous Month.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires task access to the Time Clock to be set to view or full.
Payments & Credits
A total number of Payments/Credit entries recorded as of the current date, with comparison data for yesterday, the current month and last month.
Pending Drop Requests
A total number of pending drop requests based on Online Activity items. As online activity notifications are cleared, this number will decrease.
Pending Transfer Requests
A total number of pending transfer requests based on Online Activity items. As online activity notifications are cleared, this number will decrease.
Pending Enrollment Requests
A total number of pending enrollment requests based on Online Activity items. As online activity notifications are cleared, this number will decrease.
Skills Evaluated
A total number of skills evaluated as of the current date, with comparison data for yesterday and the current month.
Skills Events Passed
A total number of skill events marked as "Passed" as of the current date, with comparison data for yesterday and the current month.
Skill Levels Passed
A total number of skill levels marked as "Passed" as of the current date, with comparison data for yesterday and the current month.
A total number of Active/Inactive staff member accounts as of the current date.
A total number of Transfers as of the current date, with comparison data for yesterday and the current month.
PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires task access to Enrollments is set to view or full.
Status Widgets (Dashboard Only)
Status widgets list data based on the current week (Sunday-Saturday).
Status widgets that don't have time frame settings are noted with an asterisk (*). These are current point-in-time status counts only.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires task access to the Time Clock to be set to view or full.
A total number of enrollments with a drop date within the selected Time Frame.
Events Passed
A total number of skills events marked as "Passed" within the selected Time Frame.
Expected Absent
A total number of students who are expected to be absent from a class within the selected Time Frame.
Levels Passed
A total number of skills levels marked as "Passed" within the selected Time Frame.
Make Ups
A total number of Makeup type enrollments starting within the selected Time Frame.
Overtime Hours
A combined total of overtime hours for a selected time range.
PERMISSIONS: Requires staff permissions with ask access to the Time Clock set to view or full.
* Pending Adjustments
A total number of Time Clock adjustments pending manager approval.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires task access to the Time Clock set to view or full.
Skills Evaluated
A total number of skills evaluated within the selected Time Frame.
A total number of attendance entries recorded as "Tardy" within the drop date selected Time Frame.
A total number of enrollments transferred from one class to another within the selected Time Frame.
A total number of Trial type enrollments starting within the selected Time Frame.
Wait Listed
A total number of Wait List type enrollments created within the selected Time Frame.
Single Day/Casual
A total number of Single Day or casual type enrollments starting within the selected Time Frame. This type of enrollment must be enabled. (NOTE: this would include Punch Pass enrollments.)
Programs Widgets (Dashboard Only)
The Programs Widget displays a Program Summary as of today’s date, including a donut chart and individual totals.
Program Summary
A breakdown of enrollments by Program as of the current date, with an option to include or exclude inactive classes/camps.
Explanation of Totals:
Enrollments – Total number of ACTIVE/TRIAL/MAKEUP/SINGLE DAY class/camp enrollments multiplied by the Total number of class/camp meetings held within the specified date range.
Openings – (Total number of maximum allowed enrollments multiplied by the Total number of class/camp meetings held within the specified date range) - (Total number of ACTIVE/TRIAL/MAKEUP/SINGLE DAY enrollments multiplied by the Total number of class/camp meetings held within the specified date range).
Camps/Classes – Total number of class/camp meetings held within the specified date range.
This widget has a setting called "Search Enrollments For The Last Seven Days."
If this setting is not enabled, the widget assumes you just want to see enrollment counts for the current date in the widget. This number should match the total on the Program Summary Report if run for the current date.
If the setting IS enabled, then the count will include any enrollments within the past seven days. This number should match the total on the Program Summary Report if run for the same date range.
NOTE: If an enrollment is transferred between Programs during the specified date range, the Programs widget will only count the enrollment in the last Program in the chain of transfers (e.g., if a student transfers from a Gymnastics class to a Tumbling class, the enrollment will be counted for Tumbling). Due to this behavior, the enrollment count for the Programs widget may not match the Program Summary Report (which counts each of the enrollments separately).
PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires the Programs Summary on Dashboard to be set to Full.
Bar/Line Chart Widgets (Dashboard Only)
These widgets are ONLY viewable to the Account Owner and members of the admin user group by default. Other users can be granted the ability to see these reports as desired by toggling the appropriate staff user permissions.
Bar/Line Chart Widgets are a graphical representation comparing data on a monthly basis over a three-year period, which can be filtered by Program and Charge Category.
Note that the colors of the bars cannot be customized. They are assigned in the following order from left to right based on the number of selected years:
- Grey (default color if there is only one selected year)
- Orange
- Green
- Purple
- Red
- Pink
Available charts include:
A total value of charges created on family ledgers in the current month compared with the last three years, with the option to show data for other years and/or limit by Programs.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires page access to the Dashboard is set to full and dashboard access to the Charges Widget to be set to full.
A total value of credits added to family ledgers in the current month compared with the last three years, with the option to show data for other years and/or limit by Programs. The "Credits" widget ONLY includes payments created using the credit types House, Coupon, Other, or Gift Card.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires page access to the Dashboard is set to full and dashboard access to the Payments Widget to be set to full.
NOTE: For customers who have been with iClassPro for some time, please note that when viewing historic credit totals, there is a very small chance that the number shown may not match financial reports run for the same date range. This is due to "split payments", a way of storing both a "regular" payment and a credit amount within the same payment entry. iClassPro no longer supports "split payments" so this will not affect more recent years' credit totals. If you have any questions about your totals, please contact support.
A total amount of payments on family ledgers as of the current month compared with the last three years, with the option to show data for other years and/or limit by Programs. The "Payments" widget DOES NOT include payments created using the credit types House, Coupon, Other, or Gift Card.
- PERMISSIONS: Viewing this widget requires dashboard access to the Payments Widget to be set to full.
NOTE: For customers who have been with iClassPro for some time, please note that when viewing historic payment totals, there is a very small chance that the number shown may not match financial reports run for the same date range. This is due to a previous method of storing both a "regular" payment and a credit within the same payment entry. iClassPro no longer supports this type of payment so this will not affect more recent payment totals. If you have any questions about your totals, please contact support.