Learn how to use iClassPro's group transfer feature to transfer multiple students from one class to another.
- Transferring Individual Enrollments from the FAMILIES, STUDENTS, CLASSES, or ENROLLMENTS Page
- Using the Group Transfer tool
- Adjusting the Ledger for transferred enrollments
- Accounting Notes
Transferring Individual Enrollments from the FAMILIES, STUDENTS, CLASSES or ENROLLMENTS Page
These instructions are for ongoing enrollments (with or without future drop dates) from the Families, Students, classes or Enrollments pages.
Transfers are not permitted for past enrollments, which have already dropped as of the current date. iClassPro also does not allow multiple transfers from a single enrollment. If a transfer already exists which started from the selected enrollment, an error message will be displayed. For instructions on transferring enrollments from the CALENDAR page, see our "How Do I Transfer an Enrollment from the Calendar View?" document.
- To transfer an individual enrollment:
- From the FAMILIES, STUDENTS, OR CLASSES page, click on the Enrollments icon, then click the "Transfer" button.
- From the ENROLLMENTS page, click the "Actions" icon (circle with three dots) to the left of the enrollment, then choose "Transfer Enrollment."
- In the window that comes up, use the filters on the left side of the window to narrow down the options from the drop-down menu choices and select the new class to which you wish to transfer the enrollment.
- Click Next.
- Confirm the Enrollment Type and Session if you are using sessions.
- Confirm the Start and Drop Date of the enrollment being created.
The system will check to see if a future drop date already exists on an enrollment that is being transferred. If a future drop date exists, the drop date on the new enrollment will be auto-populated to match.
- If the class being transferred into has an end date set (either by Class End Date or Session End Date) that is BEFORE the drop date being carried over, the drop date will be adjusted to match the class end date instead.
- The system will display an option to set the drop date for the previous enrollment (i.e., the enrollment the student is being transferred from). Leaving this option blank will retain the default system behavior (automatically setting the drop date as the day before the new enrollment starts). If you wish to choose an earlier drop date, enter the date in the "Drop Date for Previous Class" field.
The system will check to see if a future drop date already exists on an enrollment that is being transferred. If a future drop date exists, the drop date on the new enrollment will be auto-populated to match.
- Select the Keep Existing Billing Schedule Override for This Student if you wish to keep/adjust any existing billing schedule override from the original enrollment. Selecting this box will list the enrollment to be transferred and note any existing billing schedule override (appearing in grey). If the new class does not have a matching billing schedule for the override it will be changed to the default billing schedule and a "No matching billing pair" warning will be displayed.
- Alternatively, you can use the Billing drop-down menu to select a new billing schedule for the transferred enrollment.
- Select the Keep Existing Tuition Override For This Student option if you wish to keep or edit any existing tuition override from the original enrollment. Selecting this box will list the enrollment to be transferred and note any existing tuition override so you can add/remove it as needed. If a tuition override end date already exists, this field will be pre-populated.
- If you do not enable this option, any existing tuition overrides will be lost.
- Choose whether or not to send a Transfer Enrollment Notification Email to the primary email address for the family to confirm the enrollment.
- If selected, the system will use the email template under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>COMMUNICATION TEMPLATES>ICLASSPRO>“Class Transfer Enrollment Processed.”
- Click Finish to complete the enrollment transfer.
- If the start time of the new class occurs PRIOR to the current time (i.e., the class has already met for the day), the system will set the start date of the new enrollment to the next class date (honoring their "Force Start Date" settings and any class dates/sessions/rolling sessions) . The drop date for the original enrollment will be set to the day before the new enrollment begins.
- NOTE: If "Force Start Date to Class Meeting Dates" is not enabled and class dates/sessions/rolling sessions are not used, the system will set the start date of their new enrollment to the next day of the week and set the drop date on the original enrollment to the current date.
- If the start time of the new class occurs AFTER the current time, the existing enrollment and any charges associated with it will be updated with the new enrollment's details (i.e., the original enrollment will essentially be overwritten since it will not occur).
Transfers involving Trial/Makeup/Single Day Enrollments on the Current Date
When a Trial, Makeup, or Single Day enrollment has a start/drop date equal to the current date, and that enrollment is transferred to a future date, the system will overwrite the original enrollment record with the enrollment for the new class.
Transfers involving Future Enrollments
If the enrollment has a start date in the future, you will be prompted to decide how you wish to handle it:
Delete the previous enrollment - completely removes the original enrollment from the student's history.
- This option should be used if the student is NOT expected to attend the original class on that date.
If the enrollment being transferred is in the future and already has a charge attached, the system will automatically:
- DELETE the original enrollment.
- DELETE the original charge on the ledger.
- CREATE a new enrollment.
CREATE a new charge related to the new enrollment.
- Program, class, and enrollment IDs/names will be updated to reflect the new class.
- If needed, the Charge Category will be updated to match the new enrollment start date (as defined by Auto Charge Scheduler settings).
- Charge title will be modified to be "{original charge title} > {new class name}"
The due date for the new charge will be determined as follows:
- If the due date from the original charge is AFTER the new charge date (current date), the due date of the original charge will be used.
- If the due date from the original charge is BEFORE the new charge date (current date), the system will update the due date to be equal to the new charge date (current date).
REAPPLY any payment(s) applied to the original charge to the new charge.
- Please note that the new enrollment charge will be created for the original tuition charge amount. Therefore, it may be necessary to manually adjust the charge amount if the new class has a higher or lower price. (See Adjusting the Ledger for transferred enrollments for more information.)
Set drop date - sets a drop date on the original enrollment that is equal to the start date.
- This option should be used if the student is still expected to attend the original class on that date.
Transferring Into Waitlisted Enrollments
- Waitlist Enrollment is Created with No Conflict - if the enrollment being transferred out of has not been transferred out of already and the student is not enrolled in the class they are being waitlisted for, the enrollment will be created.
- When the class selected to transfer into is full, the system will present a pop-up message prompting the staff member to choose how they wish to proceed when creating the Waitlist enrollment:
- Create a Waitlist enrollment and keep the student enrolled in their original class.
- Create a Waitlist enrollment and drop the original enrollment immediately.
- After making a selection and clicking "Proceed", the system will take the selected actions based on the staff member's response.
- When the class selected to transfer into is full, the system will present a pop-up message prompting the staff member to choose how they wish to proceed when creating the Waitlist enrollment:
- A Conflicting/Duplicate Enrollment is Detected - if the student is already enrolled in the class that the waitlist is being created for and the dates may overlap, the system will detect the conflicting enrollment. Staff can choose to not complete the transfer, or to either drop or delete the original enrollment in the class so that the new one does not conflict with it.
- A Transfer Already Exists Message - if the same transfer has already been requested or the enrollment being transferred out of has been transferred out of previously, then staff will encounter the message below:
Handling Transfer Requests into Waitlisted Enrollments from Online Activity
If a customer submits a transfer request from the Customer Portal for an ACTIVE enrollment into a class that is full, this is submitted as a request that a staff member must process via Online Activity.
- The staff member approves the transfer request in the Online Activity. This creates a Waitlist enrollment for the student in the class that is full.
- At this point, the original enrollment will not be automatically dropped and the student will remain enrolled in their original class until a spot opens up in the class for which they are Waitlisted.
- At this time, the transfer is not considered "complete."
- Because iClassPro will not allow multiple transfers from the same enrollment, the waitlisted enrollment needs to either be converted to an ACTIVE enrollment (which completes the transfer) or needs to be deleted to break the Transfer chain and allow the student to transfer to a different class.
Using the Group Transfer tool
- Navigate to the Classes Page.
- Find the class from which you wish to transfer students.
- Click on the Enrollments icon.
- Click the Group Transfer button.
- In the window, use the filters on the left side of the window to narrow down the options from the drop-down menu choices and select the new class to which you wish to transfer the enrollments.
- Select the students to transfer individually or click Select All to choose which students to transfer from your current class to the one you selected.
- Click Next.
- NOTE: iClassPro does not allow multiple transfers from a single enrollment. If a transfer already exists from one of the selected enrollments, an error message will be displayed.
- Confirm the Enrollment Type and Session if you are using sessions.
- Confirm the Start and Drop Date of the enrollments being created.
The system will check to see if a future drop date already exists on an enrollment that is being transferred. If a future drop date exists, the drop date on the new enrollment will be auto-populated to match.
- If the class being transferred into has an end date set (either by Class End Date or Session End Date) that is BEFORE the drop date being carried over, the drop date will be adjusted to match the class end date instead.
- The system will display an option to set the drop date for the previous enrollment (i.e., the enrollment the student is being transferred from). Leaving this option blank will retain the default system behavior (automatically setting the drop date as the day before the new enrollment starts). If you wish to choose an earlier drop date, enter the date in the "Drop Date for Previous Class" field.
The system will check to see if a future drop date already exists on an enrollment that is being transferred. If a future drop date exists, the drop date on the new enrollment will be auto-populated to match.
- Select the Keep Existing Billing Schedule Overrides for Each Enrollment if you wish to keep/adjust existing billing schedule overrides. Selecting this box will list each enrollment to be transferred and note which ones have existing billing schedule overrides (appearing in grey). If the new class does not have a matching billing schedule for the override it will be changed to the default billing schedule and a "No matching billing pair" warning will be displayed.
Alternatively, you can use the Billing drop-down menu to select a new billing schedule for all transferred enrollments.
- Select the Choose Tuition Override For Each Enrollment option if you wish to keep or edit existing tuition overrides. Selecting this box will list each enrollment to be transferred and note which ones have existing tuition overrides so you can add/remove them as needed. If a tuition override end date already exists, this field will be pre-populated.
If you do not enable this option, any existing tuition overrides will be lost.
If you do not enable this option, any existing tuition overrides will be lost.
- Choose whether or not to send a Transfer Enrollment Notification Email to the primary email address for the family to confirm the enrollment.
- If selected, the system will use the email template under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>COMMUNICATION TEMPLATES>ICLASSPRO>“Class Transfer Enrollment Processed.”
- Click Finish to complete the enrollments.
- If the start time of the new class occurs PRIOR to the current time (i.e., the class has already met for the day), the system will set the start date of the new enrollment to the next class date (honoring their "Force Start Date" settings and any class dates/sessions/rolling sessions) . The drop date for the original enrollment will be set to the day before the new enrollment begins.
- NOTE: If "Force Start Date to Class Meeting Dates" is not enabled and class dates/sessions/rolling sessions are not used, the system will set the start date of their new enrollment to the next day of the week and set the drop date on the original enrollment to the current date.
- If the start time of the new class occurs AFTER the current time, the existing enrollment and any charges associated with it will be updated with the new enrollment's details (i.e., the original enrollment will essentially be overwritten since it will not occur).
Group Transfers involving future enrollments
If you select a student with an enrollment that has a start date in the future, you will be prompted to decide how you wish to handle it:
Delete the previous enrollment - completely removes the original enrollment from the student's history.
- This option should be used if the student is NOT expected to attend the original class on that date.
- If the enrollment being transferred has any tuition charges associated with it, you will not be allowed to delete the enrollment. In this scenario, please drop the enrollment instead and adjust the ledger if necessary.
Set drop date - sets a drop date on the original enrollment that is equal to the start date.
- This option should be used if the student is still expected to attend the original class on that date.
NOTE: Future enrollments cannot be transferred to a start date prior to the start date of the original enrollment, as this essentially means that the enrollment will never occur. The general rule, in this case, is that the original enrollment should be deleted instead, and a new enrollment created.
Adjusting the Ledger for transferred enrollments
If you transfer the student to a class with a different tuition amount (higher or lower), the system does not automatically adjust ledger charges if they have already been charged for the current enrollment. After completing the transfer, you will need to manually adjust the ledger as follows to re-apply any payments that were applied to the original tuition charge:
- On the family ledger, click the pencil/edit icon next to the existing tuition charge to launch the "Edit/View Charge" window.
- Click the pencil/edit icon under ACTIONS in the charge table at the bottom of the window. This will bring the charge to the top of the window so you can edit it.
- Based on how you handle your bookkeeping, you can either manually adjust the amount to $0.00 or apply a 100% discount to bring the charge amount to $0.00.
- You may want to edit the Charge Title and/or Line Item Title to reflect why the charge was edited (such as "Edited due to transferred enrollment" or something similar).
- Click SAVE & CLOSE to save the charge. This will release any payment that was applied to it as credit that can now be applied to other charges.
- Create a new Tuition charge for the transferred enrollment and SAVE it.
- Apply the account credit to the new Tuition charge.
Accounting Notes
Editing a charge amount directly will change historical financial reports including that charge. Similarly, adding a discount line item to the charge will allow you to reference the original charge total within the charge data, but it will appear as if the discount always existed in financial reports; this is not treated as an adjustment with its own date in financial reports.
For businesses using accrual-based accounting, if the charge has already been included in previous accounts receivable totals entered into your accounting software - it is not advisable to directly change charge amounts included in those past periods.
Instead, recommended paths to reduce a charge would be:
- Issuing credit to the customer and applying it to the charge. This will adjust the balance owed to compensate for any eligible proration while enabling the charge history to remain unchanged.
- Deleting the original charge (preserving the record of the original amount billed). Then re-issue it with the new reduced total.
The recommended paths to increase a charge would be:
- Issuing a brand new charge for the difference, with current charge dates and the correct charge category for the charge being adjusted.
- Deleting the original charge (without edits) and issuing a new charge for the appropriate total with current charge dates.
Customers will not see deleted charges, but deleted charges are accounted for in the category list report on the dates the action occurs.