How Do I Create a New Class Enrollment?

Learn about the various ways iClassPro allows you to create class enrollments.

See our "Getting Started with Classes" guide for more information about creating classes and enrollments!

You may wish to review our articles regarding Understanding Enrollment Types and Wait List Enrollments before proceeding.

New Individual Class Enrollments

Go to the Students Page or Family Page> Select a Family/Student > Enrollments > New Class Enrollment.

This will open a new window to enter the enrollment details.


  1. Set filters to help you search for an available class.
    • At the bottom of the "Filters" on the left-hand side of the window, there is an option for "Has Temporary Openings."

      • If "Has Temporary Openings" is enabled, an "As Of Date" field will be shown to allow staff to choose a specific date that defines WHEN the temporary openings need to exist.

  2. Start typing a class name into the class field and/or use the drop down menu to select a class.
  3. Choose an Enrollment Type (Active, Makeup, Trial, Single Day or Wait) and a session if you are using sessions.
    • Confirm the Start and Drop Date of the enrollment. The Drop Date can be left blank if there is no designated end date for the class. (NOTE: the enrollment start date may also be affected by the setting to "Restrict enrollment start date based on class start time" under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CLASS REGISTRATION.)
      • If you used the "Has Temporary Openings" option with an "As of Date", the system will auto-populate the start date to match the "As of Date."
      • If you use Sessions or the class is set to bill Monthly with Start/End Date options, the start date and drop date will automatically populate based on the defined dates.
        • NOTE: You cannot set a start date for an enrollment that is prior to the start date of the current session attached to the class.
      • If you use Rolling Sessions or the class is set to bill Monthly with a defined Start Date (but no End Date), the start date will automatically populate based on the defined dates, but the drop date will be left blank.
        • NOTE: You cannot set a start date for an enrollment that is prior to the start date of the current Rolling Session attached to the class.
      • If the class is set to bill Monthly with no Start/End Date options, the start date will automatically populate with the current date as the start date, but the drop date will be left blank.
      • If you choose MAKEUP/TRIAL/SINGLE-DAY as the Enrollment Type, the enrollment start/drop dates will automatically populate with the same date.
  4. If necessary, you can choose a Billing Schedule option other than the default option set up on the class. Checking the Tuition Override box and entering an amount will allow you to designate a special tuition amount that will be used for the remainder of the enrollment.
    • NOTE: If a Tuition Override value is defined, the system will calculate the amount to be billed based on the "Tuition Override Behavior" setting under SETTINGS>SETUP>CLASS SETTINGS>GENERAL CLASS SETTINGS.
    • If Tuition Override is checked, an option to Enable Tuition Expiration Date will be displayed.
      • Enabling this option will allow you to define a date when the tuition override will automatically expire.
  5. Choose whether or not to send an email to the primary email address for the family to confirm the enrollment.
  6. Click Save to simply save the enrollment, Save & Add Another to create a second enrollment for this student, or click Save & Charge to go to a new charge entry on the ledger for the class tuition.

How to Group Enroll a Class

This option is available for classes only. To get started, navigate to Classes Page > Select a Class > Enrollments > Group Enroll.

This will open a new window.


    1. Use a Keyword, Search by Student Name, or Navigate Pages of students at the top of the window.
    2. Click the "+" sign next to a student to Add Students to the Roster (on the right- click the red "x" to remove a student from the roster).
    3. Click Next to edit the enrollment details.
    4. Choose the Enrollment Type and Session if you are using sessions.
    5. Confirm the Start and Drop Date of the enrollments being created. The drop date can be left blank.
      • NOTE: the enrollment start date may be affected by the setting to "Restrict enrollment start date based on class start time" under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CLASS REGISTRATION.
    6. If necessary, you can choose a Billing Schedule option other than the default option set up on the class. Checking the Tuition Override box and entering an amount will allow you to designate a special tuition amount that will be used for all of the selected enrollments.
      • If Tuition Override is checked, an option to Enable Tuition Expiration Date will be displayed.
        • Enabling this option will allow you to define a date when the tuition override will automatically expire.
    7. Choose whether or not to send an email to the primary email address for the family to confirm the enrollment.
    8. Click Finish to complete the enrollments.

How to Use the New Enrollment Wizard

For full instructions on using the New Enrollment Wizard to create class enrollments, see our "New Enrollment Wizard" article.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).