What is the Power BI Template? (Skill Progression Reports)

The features described in this article are only available to customers with iClassPro subscription plans that provide access to the Data Warehouse.

Learn more about the different Skill Progression-related reports in the Power BI Template provided with your Data Warehouse account, what information is included, and how it is calculated.

What is Power BI?

Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors from Microsoft™ that allow you to pull together different data resources and manipulate them to prepare reports, charts, and/or tables to view the information you need more easily. This can make it easier to obtain metrics that may not be easily available using the reports built into iClassPro, such as comparing data from several different locations or accounts in a single view.

Using Power BI’s Power Query you can manipulate report data in different ways than is allowed in iClassPro. For example, if you have several Class Levels that begin with the same prefix (such as Dolphins – Beginner, Dolphins – Intermediate, and Dolphins – Advanced), iClassPro’s Level Summary Report will treat each of these as a separate Class Level. However, in Power BI you can group these Class Levels by their shared prefix and therefore calculate enrollment data for all of the “Dolphins” Class Levels together.

What is the Power BI Template?

iClassPro’s ready-to-publish Power BI starter template consists of over 30 pages of reports incorporating tables and charts focusing on the following topics:

  • Enrollments
  • Student Demographics
  • Year-to-Date Progress
  • Charges and Payments
  • Entry Points
  • Exit Points
  • Family and Student Participation
  • Customer Portal Usage

By referring to the queries provided in the starter template, you can learn more about the database schema and how we are calculating specific metrics. From here, you can add, delete, or edit queries as needed to fit the needs of your business.


  • “ACTIVE” (shown in all capital letters) refers to an enrollment type. “Active” (shown in mixed-case or all lower-case letters) refers to an enrollment status.
    • An “active” enrollment status means that the start date of a specific enrollment must be equal to or prior to the start of a defined date range or specific date, and the enrollment drop date is equal to or PRIOR to the end of a defined date range or specific date.
  • Whenever it is used, the term "Customer Portal" actually refers to any customer self-service option (both the web-based Customer Portal and Mobile/Branded App).
  • A “slicer” is a "filter" that appear at the top of a report and allows users to amend the criteria used to calculate the results being displayed.
    • A “relative slicer” is a slicer where all dates are relative to the current date (today). Options for these slicers use a modifying article such as Next/Last/This etc.
  • A “data point” is a block on a bar/column, or a single result within any chart.
  • A “legend” is a section in a chart that explains the meaning of particular colors, indicators, etc.

Important Notes

  • As these reports are based on data retrieved from the Data Warehouse, data as of the “Current Date” could actually be up to 24 hours old depending on when your data was last updated.
  • Certain reports have default values for dates/date ranges. If needed, these can be changed by adjusting the date/date range slicer at the top of the report.
    • If a default value exists, this will be noted in the report description.
  • Unless noted otherwise, all reports will default to showing data divided by Site/Location if multiple Locations exist in your account.
  • Whenever multiple options exist (such as Site/Location,Gender, Program, Level, etc.), the report can be limited to a single option by selecting it from the appropriate slicer on the report. Multiple options can be selected by holding down CTRL/COMMAND and clicking on the option(s) to enable/disable them
    • NOTE: For the purposes of analyzing data/performing calculations, selecting ALL options or selecting NO options will be treated in the same manner.
  • CTRL/COMMAND refers to keys on PC/Mac keyboards, respectively.
  • If a vertical line appears on a chart or graph, this indicates the average value across all Sites/Locations to be used for comparison.
  • When viewing charts and graphs, additional options may be shown in the upper right-hand corner. (Explanations are given below from L-R):
    • [Up arrow] will move up one level in the data hierarchy. (For example, if you are viewing specific student data, this would return to looking at data for the Site/Location as a whole).
    • [Down arrow] will enable you to “drill down” into the data by clicking on a specific data point on the chart/graph.
    • [Two down arrows] will move down one level in the data hierarchy. (For example, if you are viewing Site/Location data as a whole, this would “drill down” to look only at the specific student data used to calculate the totals).
    • [“Split” down arrow] expands the data to add an additional hierarchy level to the current view. (For example, if you are viewing Site/Location data as a whole, this would “drill down” to look only at both this information AND the specific student data used to calculate the totals).
    • [Funnel] Filters on Visual - shows the filters that are currently applied to the data reflected on the chart/graph.
    • [Expand window] Focus mode - will “zoom in” to show ONLY the selected chart/graph, hiding all other information on the report. (To exit this view, click the “Back to report” link in the upper left-hand corner of the window.)
    • [...] More options - there are several options here, but some of the most useful will be:
      • Export data - allows you to export the data related to the selected chart/graph in CSV format.
      • Show as a table - will display the data related to the selected chart/graph as a table.
      • Remove - allows you to remove the chart/graph completely from the report. (This is not recommended as this will permanently alter the template and you will not be able to restore the chart/graph if you wish to use it later.)
      • Spotlight - toggles “Spotlight” mode, which highlights only the selected chart/graph and dims the rest of the report. (To exit this mode, simply select “Spotlight” again to toggle it off.)
      • Sort axis - allows you to change the sort order of items along the axis of the chart/graph.
  • Wherever they exist on a report, indicators (such as filled shapes or arrows) can be configured to show trends based on your specified range of values. For more information on using conditional formatting to set up these indicators, see the “Apply conditional formatting in tables and matrixes” document from Microsoft.

Skill Progression

Evaluations Completed/Levels Passed


This report includes tables displaying the number of “Evaluations Completed” and “Levels Completed” divided by Site/Location, defaulting to a date range of the last six months (from the current date).

By default, these values are calculated for students at all Sites/Locations.

You can also change the date range of the report by editing the following values in the slicer displayed at the top of each table:

  • Modifying article - establishes whether the system should look in the past, immediately forward, or in the future.
    • Last - occurring before to the current date.
    • Next - occurring in the week following the current date.
    • This - occurring within the same week as the current date.
  • Amount - a positive number that establishes the value for the “Time Frame.”
    • NOTE: This option is disabled if “This” is selected as it is understood that the time frame will define the exact date/date range.
  • Time Frame
    • Days
    • Weeks
    • Weeks (Calendar)
    • Months
    • Months (Calendar)
    • Years
    • Years (Calendar)

NOTE: “Calendar” denotes that the occurrence will be within the same calendar month. For example, if you define the “Evaluations Completed” date range as within the “Last 3 Weeks”, the system will count back three weeks from the current date, even if this means that the evaluation may have taken place in the previous month. If you select “Last 3 Weeks (Calendar)” it will only include evaluations recorded on dates within the current calendar month.

This report allows you to see at a glance the number of Skill Evaluations completed and/or Levels Passes at selected Location(s).

Last Evaluation Completed


This report includes tables displaying the number of “Evaluations Completed” within specific time frames for each Site/Location (measured either 14 days, 15-45 days, or more than 45 days prior to the current date):

  • The first table includes the total number of skill evaluations completed within the respective date ranges for each Site/Location.
  • The “Student Evaluations” table will allow you to expand each Site/Location to see the names of which student evaluations are being included in the totals.
  • The “Last Evaluation” pie chart gives a visual representation of this data as percentages of the overall number of skill evaluations.

By default, these values are calculated for students at all Sites/Locations.

This report allows you to see at a glance how many skill evaluations are being performed at each Site/Location, and how these numbers compare with each other.

Learn More!

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